Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Just another drama

I always thought I was pretty good at handling stress, but I think after today I think otherwise. There is a difference between handling it and trying to hide it. Sam and I put an offer on a house last night just to find out that they messed up the listing price by $25,000. Hello!!! How is that possible??? We we pretty irritated, but what do you do, but move on. So they obviously did not accept the offer. So we are about to make a new one. But then we realized that the acreage was wrong also. Who is this agent??? Does he know anything about what he is doing???

Sorry about the negative tone of this post, maybe the next one will be better. I just needed someone to listen who wouldn't talk back. Thanks for listening.


JoEllen said...

you obviously don't have to be able to do math to be a relator!

Kristie said...

Is this the same relator that you were thinking about dropping earlier? I can understand your frustration!

Nancy said...

The sun'll come up tomorrow...

Sarah said...

(pat,pat). Sorry about that. I guess it wasn't meant to be....

Anonymous said...

I think if I were the seller I would think twice about hiring that realtor again.