Friday, June 19, 2009


These are my peas!! I love them, they are taller than I am. I have never had peas grow this tall. I also have never planted them in March. I usually forget and they never get out there until the end of May or into June. They are so yummy. I have about 6 tomatoes with the promise of lots more and my cucumber has tons of blossoms on it. I hope I at least get one off of it before I move, but I don't see that happening.

We have looked at some houses and found some we really like, but they always accept offers right before we see them or right after. It is a very stressful process and I just need everything to fall into place. I think I should start packing though, we only have three weeks left until we have to be out.


Kristie said...

Wow- your peas are amazing!! I bet the next people who get the house will appreciate them:-)

JoEllen said...

Your garden is beautiful!

Good luck with the house hunting. It can be frustrating, but I'm sure you'll find something just perfect.