Friday, March 27, 2009

Yea, I am not diabetic

So I took my gestational diabetes test and they called back and said my levels were a bit high and would I mind coming in and doing the extended version. Well of course I was paranoid for the next week and I had to read all the info I could. But in the end it turned out alright. Thank goodness. I was not looking forward to having a condition while I was pregnant. I saw my doctor today and she is saying it is a boy, so did my mom, I guess I will still have to wait until the end.


Lindsay said...

I had to take the 3-hour test when I was pregnant with Garrett. It was miserable because aside from worrying that I'd have diabetes, I ended up with about 20 needle bruises all over my arms, wrists, and hands. Luckily, though, all the pain and worry was for nothing. I'm glad yours was for nothing, too.

Kristie said...

Yeh, they wanted to test me to, but I wouldn't let them:-)

JoEllen said...

I too had to take the three hour test with Little Sal and dreaded it this time around. Luckily, I passed my one hour, but seriously, the three hour test totally sucks. No only are you there forever, but you have to drink more of that stuff and it's just upleasant. I'm glad you're not diabetic! Have some cake to celebrate.

TheQueen@TerrorsInTiaras said...

Phew! Great news!