Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Peas, peas, peas

I love to have a garden. Note: I didn't say I love working in it. But I do enjoy the fruits of the little labor that I do put forth. So today we went to the store for dirt and filled in the garden. I put the peas where they went and Sinclaire helped push them down, and then Kit Kat dumped a bunch more on top. Maybe we will get a lot. By this time it was starting to rain, so we hurriedly threw down some lettuce seeds and hopefully they will grow. I really do love fresh garden veggies, almost as much as I love not paying for them.


JoEllen said...

I too love having a garden. Yours looks so nice! What good helpers your little girls are! I'm sure you'll get just tons of peas.

Liz said...

yummy! i'm trying a garden this year, although there's still snow on top of it, so it will be awhile. we mostly have good luck with root veggies. raspberries do well too, but I don't have the room for those. good luck!

Kristie said...

Wow, you've planted already? I have starters in the house, but I'm afraid to put them out yet. They're taking over, so maybe spring break will be our garden week!

Anonymous said...

Your garden is so tidy! I hope my garden will look like that this year.