Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ok, all you moms out there. I have a problem. One that just keeps getting worse. Little Miss Sinclaire, as most of you know just wont use the potty. I have tried candy, stickers, getting mad, being as nice as can be, new panties, a little potty, the zoo, more candy, etc. I have tried everything to get her to use the potty. I thought for a while that we were on our way, but after 5 months of wearing panties, yes we still had some accidents, she started having 4+ accidents a day. So I put her back in diapers. So it is about a month later and here is the kicker. Yesterday she said she didn't like diapers and that she wanted to wear panties. I about jumped up and down. But I kept calm and just said great, we will get you some new panties. Well I think combined we have changed her pants 8 times between the two days. WHAT is the problem here???? She told me she wanted to wear panties, but she still will walk over to the couch, past the bathroom and pee in her pants. So what do you think?


JoEllen said...

Oh my gosh, I have no advice for you, but I can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with. :) We're a disaster as far as potty training goes. We're currently in the "waiting a few months to try again" stage! Good luck!!

Lisa said...

We had the same problem with Julianna. She'd pee her pants up to 4 or 5 times a day. She still has an occasional accident, and she's 4 and a half. I asked for advice when it was happening with her, too, and the most popular advice I got was to have her checked for a urinary tract infection. I never took her in, but this might be something to think about with Sinclaire.

Linnea's three now, and I know I should get her started, but I don't even care. None of mine were potty trained until they were 3.

Kristie said...

This may seem harsh... but let her sit in it. I think she doesn't want the diapers because she doesn't like to feel wet. Every time she pees in her undeerwear she gets changed into nice dry clean ones. So when she does have 'an accident', let her sit in it a while until she realizes that in order to keep nice and dry she has to use the potty.

Mandy said...

that's another problem, she doesn't care if she is wet or not. she never tells me that she is wet.