Thursday, May 13, 2010


Well we have been running low on fresh foods the past few days so I packed up the crew and we went to the grocery. Plus it is Tiny's birthday so we had to find some fabulous gifts.


Sweet potatoes 1.99
Sugar 2.49
Hot dogs 1.99
Cucumbers 1.49
Zuchinni 1.99
Lettuce .99

Sam's Club

Bananas 1.32
Avacado 3.98
Strawberries 3.49

(I kind of cheated on this one. I also bought pretzels $5.68, but I am giving them to Tiny for his birthday so I don't have to count it. I just thought that since I wouldn't of had to buy them if he wasn't "special" that they should count.)


Jello .55
Pudding .86
Yogurt 1.93
Hamburger 3.92
Tomatoes 2.59
Eggs 2.41
Hominy 1.34
Orange Juice .99
Corn 1.00
Doritos 3.99
Kix 7.50
Ice cream 2.50
Lunch Meat 5.00
Cake Mix 1.00

Today's total 55.31

Monthly total 81.57

I am going to have to rethink this a bit. I had to spend a bit more due to Tiny's birthday and having lots of guests over during the next few days. We will have to see.

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