Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The superior snow cone

I love snow cones. So what did I ask Sam to get me for my birthday? A snow cone maker. I got the reusable holders and pina colada flavor. I have always liked the snow cone as a child. I would get one at the fair, along with cotton candy, the two most sugary treats available. But now that I am older I know of a superior snow cone. The one with ice cream in the bottom. So that after you add the flavor the ice melts a bit, and then you mix it and it is a creamy, delicious treat. You should all try one for yourself. If you don't have a snow cone maker, come on over and I will make you one.


Lisa said...

Mmm, sounds good!

The MOM said...

When's the best time for you! I would love a tasty treat.

Nancy said...

Happy belated b-day. My intentions were good, my body just wouldn't move... Enjoy the superior snow cone!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Yummy! Your garage reminds me of our basement.

The White's said...

YUMMY! I'll have to try that. Happy Birthday!! FYI: I am a really big Cheap-O, but if your husband has one of those Culligan water thingies at his work... you can have him steal a few cone shaped water cups, then you don't have to pay the price for the "real" snow cone cups. :)

julia said...

mmm, i love those. my friend had one at her bday parties every year growing up and it was a snoopy house. we loved it.

ice cream with shaved ice is totally korean! ha. try adding fruit and fruity pebbles. so weird but so good.

The MOM said...

Ha! Ha! I was the first to try one. It was quite delicious. Thanks. I, too, had a Snoopy one growing up. Crazy!